November 21, 2024

Back To Square One


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Meaning: Having to start all over again.

Once upon a time there lived a young boy called Mohan, who was very hardworking. Though he belonged to a very good family but he was always conscious and wanted to be a self made man. He never wanted to ask for money from his father.

Mohan had a keen interest in photography and always wanted to buy an expensive camera but did not want to ask his father for it.

One day on a college notice board he read about an inter-college competition in which the winner was going to be rewarded with a cash prize. Mohan thought to himself that if he would win the competition then he could get half the amount required for buying his camera. Next morning he enrolled himself and for weeks studied hard to win it.

The competition day arrived and Mohan was all excited about it. He faced a very tough competition from other college students and in the end his hard work paid off as he won the competition.

Time passed and Mohan kept the money safely in his house. Everyone in the college knew that Mohan had won a huge amount in the competition and one day one of his friends asked him for money as loan stating personal reasons.

Since Mohan was a soft hearted man, he did not doubt his friends’ intentions and gave him the money. Time passed and the friend instead of returning his money asked for more and as per his nature Mohan gave all of it to him.

One day as Mohan was roaming in the market he saw a very attractive deal in the camera store. He went in to check it out and found that he was not running so short as he thought before so he rushed to his house and took out the money. He stared counting it and all of sudden remembered that he had given more than half of it to his friend.

Mohan called his friend to ask for money but his phone was switched off. He again thought about going to his house to ask for it but only to find a big lock waiting for him at his door. It had been couple of days since Mohan had seen his friend so he enquired from his neighbours.

To his utter surprise he had gone on a family holiday and there were no crisis at his home. Mohan was very disappointed and went back to his home.

He thought to himself that he had no other whereabouts of that friend and even the final year had ended and chances of his recovering his money back were also very bleak. He realized that he was BACK TO SQUARE ONE as there was hardly sufficient money left with him to buy his camera and it was time to start all over again.

©Ritanjali Hastir  

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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