Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Minister Virender Kanwar said here today that an amount of Rs. 316.80 crore has been released by Government of India to the State as central assistance towards the material and admin contingency for implementation of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA for the year 2022-23. Expressing his gratitude to the Central Government he said that this assistance would speed up the works of MNREGA besides settling the pending liabilities.
Virender Kanwar said that good quality works are being done under MGNREGA in the state and it is proving beneficial in development and upliftment of the rural economy. He said that especially during the Corona pandemic, MGNREGA proved a boon for the rural economy and employment to thousands of people has also been provided. He said that 336.10 lakh mandays have been achieved against target of 330 lakh mandays in the year 2020-21 by spending an amount of Rs. 988.95 crore under MGNREGA. Similarly, in the year 2021-22, against the target of 343 lakh mandays, 370.87 lakh mandays were achieved by spending an amount of Rs. 1091.31 crore. Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister said that employment was provided to 6.36 lakh families in the year 2020-21 and to 7.07 lakh families in the year 2021-22 under MNREGA. He said that 75,814 works were completed under MGNREGA in the year 2020-21 and 80,957 works have been completed in the year 2021-22.