Bishop Cotton School in Shimla, known for its remarkable heritage since 1859, recently hosted an exclusive cricket match that brought together some of Himachal Pradesh’s top officials. The match between the H.P. Government Administration and the H.P. Police Force was played on the school’s sports field, one of the highest schoolboy pitches globally. The event, which took place on Sunday, October 8th, witnessed Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu and Chief of Police Mr. Sanjay Kundu leading their teams in a friendly match, fostering unity within the community.
The Thrilling Match (Bishop Cotton School Annual Sports Day)
The cricket showdown saw the HP Government Administrators emerge victorious, but the true winner was the spirit of cricket that brought people together. CM Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu and Chief of Police Sanjay Kundu showcased their cricketing skills, with the BCS Director, Mr. Simon Weale, even bowling to the Honorable Chief Minister during the warm-up session. The match’s umpires were the BCS Sports teachers, Cricket Coach Mr. Lokpal Thakur, and Amod Talwalkar.
Cricket Unites Himachal Pradesh Officials At Bishop Cotton School
Community Bonding
Amidst the excitement, the Director of Bishop Cotton School, Simon Weale, expressed his pleasure in hosting both teams. He acknowledged the challenges posed by recent rains and landslides and commended the hard work of the dedicated government officials and police. The match served as a delightful and relaxing break in the midst of their demanding responsibilities.
Impressive Sports Facilities:
The idea for this cricket match originated when Mr. Vivek Bhatia (I.A.S), Pr. Private Secretary/Special Secretary to the Honourable Chief Minister, H.P, was deeply impressed by the BCS sports field during his visit to the school. He suggested holding the match in Shimla, where many top officials reside.
Special Moments:
In addition to the cricket action, the Chief Minister had a memorable encounter with the school band, who put on a special performance in his honor.
A Heritage School:
As a heritage school founded by Bishop George Cotton, Bishop Cotton School maintains its traditional routines, many of which have been in place since 1859. Students here wake up early for daily physical training (PT) sessions and participate in seventeen sports, including shooting, boxing, rock climbing, swimming, and forest obstacle courses. Notably, BCS students have embarked on international tours, representing the school in cricket matches in the UK and football matches in Thailand and Singapore.
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