Keekli Bureau, 19th September, 2015, Mohali

gnfps.19.9.15bGreen occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye than most colours and is second only to blue as a favourite  colour. Green is the pervasive colour in the natural world. Green is considered as the colour of peace and ecology. It affects us physically, soothens, relaxes mentally and helps in discarding depression along with anxiety. There is also a religious and mythological sentiment associated with green. Green colour is a symbol of prosperity and greenery.

gnfps.19.9.15aTo enhance knowledge of the tiny tots about the colour, Kindergarten section of Guru Nanak Foundation Public School, Mohali took an initiative to recognize this colour thoroughly. They motivated the students to come in the attire of green birds, fruits, vegetables and trees.

On this a occasion poetry recitation was held and they even enacted on small plays. The twinkling stars performed very well one minute acts. Children planted saplings of the different plants in the kitchen garden and in return they were gifted potted plant saplings.

School Principal Namita Lal appreciated the efforts of the teachers for their zeal  and innovative ways of imparting knowledge to the students. she said, “Learning with fun filled activities puts an ever lasting impression on the minds of these blooming buds. This is what her school is striving for”.


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