Himachal Pradesh Government has got three awards from Sri Bhagwanthkhuba, Hon’ble State Minister for New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India at Willingdon Island Kochi (Kerala) on dated 27.8.2022. The Prize was received by Sh. Rahul Kumar, IAS, Chief Executive Officer, HIMURJA , HP Shimla. The awards were given on the occasion of 8th Foundation Day of the Association of Renewable Energy Agencies of States (AREAS). The awards were given for achieving excellence in renewable energy under the following categories :-
- For achieving 2nd highest numbers of Solar Street Lights installed as on 31.3.2022.
- For achieving 2nd highest Small Hydro Power installed capacity as on 31.3.2022
- For achieving highest Small Hydro Power capacity during 2021-22
On this occasion Hon’ble Electricity Minister of Kerala Govt., Secretary, MNRE, Govt. of India, Pr. Secretary (Power) of Kerala and all Members of the State Nodal Agencies of India were present.