Keekli Reporter, 11th August, 2018, Shimla
Auckland boys showcase their creativity during Annual Art & Craft Exhibition
Chief guest praises the boys for their talent and hard work — Manmohan Singh Karva
Taking a serious note of the growing drug menace in the City and the number of children being drawn towards this dreadful and dangerous addiction, School Principal Micheal A John, Auckland House School for Boys, Shimla, organized a seminar for the parents on Drug Addiction and its Control, which was spearheaded by Manmohan Singh Karva, Additional Superintendent of Police, Police Headquarters, Shimla. An engaging and interactive morning was spent talking about the dangerous effects of drugs and how the same could be controlled.
Karva made few interesting points that it was important that all the three institutions — police, parents and schools — should work together at controlling the sale of drugs and should make aware children of the harmful effect of drugs. Parents too pointed out that the lackscidal approach of the police department in controlling the sale of such drugs and few unscrupulous profiteers were the cause of the growing drug problem in the state. Karva also added that the recent definition for drugs had changed too, as now drugs were not just cocaine, marijuana and chitta, but a kid could easily fall prey to use of polish, spirits and cough syrups, which were readily available in the market and can be purchased without any monitoring. He emphasized on the fact that children should be guided as friends and they should be educated about the ill effects of consuming drugs.
After the session, the chief guest, Manmohan Singh Karva inaugurated the Annual Art & Craft Exhibition, wherein students from Nursery Class up to Senior Classes displayed their creative skills. Students gave perfect narratives about the projects that were laid out, from healthy eating to healthy living, 3D models of various concepts of life to subject-specific projects. All in all a nice display of creativity by Auckland boys.