December 27, 2024

Tag: Brews & Books Café


बेगुनाही की ताकत; स्मृति और यथार्थ; अनल पाखी: नामवर सिंह की जीवनी; यू आर अनंतमूर्ति : प्रतिरोध का विकल्प — चार किताबों का लोकार्पणआधार प्रकाशन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड द्वारा कीकली चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट शिमला के सहयोग से Brews & Books कैफे, शिमला में आज चार किताबों का लोकार्पण किया...

पहली औरत… & The Lady of Two Nations: Life & Times of Ra’ana Liaqat Ali Khan: Book Release afternoon well spent in the presence of eminent writers and book discussants as they reviewed Raj Gopal Singh Verma’s latest penned book titled...

A, B, C of Slogan Writing — Workshop by Vivek Mohan -- Accuracy; B -- Brevity; C -- Clarity... three main criteria for becoming a good writer as President's National Film Award winning documentary...

Brews & Books Café Inauguration — A Photo Feature

A one of its kind Book Café finally opens in Shimla, Brews & Books Café, on Mall, near Tourism Lift, it is just the...

Brews & Books Café by Keekli – Discover Shimla’s First Book Café

Are you a book lover who enjoys spending hours reading with a hot cup of coffee? Look no further than Brews & Books Café,...

Brews & Books Cafe: A Perfect Blend of Literature & Coffee in Shimla

Are you a book lover in search of a cozy café to unwind with your favorite read and indulge in some delectable treats? Look...

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