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Tag: Chamba Rumal

One District One Product

‘One District, One Product’ to boost Himachali products: CM

State government is emphasizing promotion of State's unique products. 'One District One Product' (ODOP) initiative will be instrumental to realize this purpose.  Unity Mall will be established in the State to prevail...
Kangra Tea

Kangra Tea Receives Geographical Indication (GI) Registration For European Markets

Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced that Kangra Tea has obtained protected Geographical Indication (GI) registration from the European Union (EU). This significant achievement allows for the sale of Kangra...

भाषा एवं संस्कृति विभाग द्वारा गेयटी थियेटर में आयोजित कला संस्कृति संवाद

https://youtu.be/R_Mz67NqNcs भारत देश की संस्कृति व सांस्कृतिक सहिष्णुता को बनाए रखने तथा इसके संवर्धन के लिए ऋषियों, मनिषियों व बौद्धिक जनों के श्रम के प्रति कृतज्ञ भाव प्रकट करना ही आजादी का...

State Government Committed to Conserve Rich Culture, Heritage and Literature of Himachal : CM

Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur while presiding over the Shikhar Samman, Kala Samman, Sahitya Purskar, Swaichchhik Sanstha Samman, Chamba Rumal Pahari Chiktrakala Samman Prize Distribution Function-2022 organized by Himachal Pradesh Art,...