Focus on Production & Go Beyond Storyline: Vivek Mohan Bhagra, ShimlaThe upcoming Children’s Theatre Festival which will culminate with the final showcase as an Inter-School Hindi Drama Competition in the month of...
हत्या एक आकार की…. फोटो फीचरललित सहगल द्वारा लिखित नाटक और एम के रैना द्वारा निर्देशित नाटक, हत्या एक आकार की, एक बार फिर पुनर्जीवित हुआ शिमला के ऐतिहासिक...
Himalayan Tales Unleashed: A Spellbinding Theatre Festival
Vandana Bhagra, Shimla
Himachal's Unique Children's Theatre Festival: Showcasing Local Talent and Literary Heritage
Noted Actor Kumud Mishra To Inspire Young Artists
Children’s Theatre Festival Shimla
Focus on...
बच्चों द्वारा अत्यंत खूबसूरत प्रस्तुति — काजी जी का भेष और जंगल जातकम: एक छायाचित्र
Click to read: Children to Entice Audience with their Performances — Kazi Ji Ka Bhesh & Jungle JatakamA visual treat definitely missed by many, and...
Stories Come to Life at Auckland Boys School
Ritanjali Hastir, Associate Editor, 30th August, 2019, ShimlaStudents of Auckland House School for Boys exhibited extraordinary acting skills as they staged four different plays...