Keekli Reporter, 3rd August, Shimla 2019, Shimla
Celebrating the bravado of the soldiers who lost their lives for the country, a special presentation of The Tiger Hill depicting the Kargil War was the highlight.
A hall full of colorful and creative art and craft exhibits was witnessed by parents of the Lower Primary Department of Auckland House Girls School here today, as the chief guest Indira Goel who served Auckland House School for 21 years, declared it open. Students of Nursery Class warmly greeted the chief guest along with the Director-Principal Sunita John, Principal Auckland Boys School Micheal A John and Father Sohan Lal, as they gave a brief review of the exhibits presented by their respective class.
This was followed by various classes from Lower Kindergaten to Form II students, each one confidently describing the projects based on various themes, some with high educational value. Few of the projects and posters made by the students with the help and guidance of both their teachers and parents were the proper use of dustbin; healthy habits; Shimla city; sense organs; my flag, my identity; places of recreation; places of worship; swacch bharat abhiyaan; different land forms; importance of sports and games; as well as global warming. Different craft items made from waste material were also showcased. (CLICK TO SEE ALL VIDEOS)
The exhibition experienced a massive turnout of parents who appreciated and enjoyed the hard work displayed by the students.