Delhi, March
Students of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan are participating enthusiastically in the India Toy Fair 2021. The total number of registrations from KVS is approx. 3.5 lakhs.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the India Toy Fair on 27th February 2021. While inaugurating the Fair Prime Minister Said, there is so much strength hidden in the toy industry of our country. Increasing this strength and increasing its identity is a big part of the Aatmanirbhar Bharat campaign.
Three KendriyaVidyalayas from all over the country have been selected to display their Stalls in the Fair. KV JNU from Delhi Region, KV No. 1 AFS Gurugram and KV IIT Kanpur are displaying their unique toys in this fair.
KVs are present in Hall No. 9, where Learning and Educational Toys are being displayed. KV JNU can be visited at stall no i347, while KV IIT Kanpur is displaying its toys at stall No. i1550 and KV No. 1 AFS Gurugram is present at stall no. i361.
KV JNU is showing 25 toys including animal puppets used to narrate various stories, dancing acrobat skeleton, lungs balloon, nose bug etc.
KV IIT Kanpur is displaying 33 toys on its stall having board games, digital games, mechanical games and Science Activitygames including Rolling Joker, Paper Puppets, Dynamic Doll, Knowledge Express, Way Maker, Touching Slate, COVID Rakshak, Toy Parachute etc.
KV No. 1 AFS Gurugram has incorporated 14 toys on its stall having Addition Machine, Word Housie, Hydraulic Brake System, JodGadi, NalTarang, Probino etc.
In the first-of-its-kind initiative where all types of Traditional and Modern Toys are being displayed taking children into a unique world of Indian Toys, the Students of KendriyaVidyalayas are actively participating.
The India Toy Fair is being held from February 27 to March 2, 2021. It is an opportunity for children to participate in various activities, including craft demonstrations on traditional toy-making and virtual visits to toy museums and factories.