February 18, 2025

Your Seasons; My Seasons – An Introspection Upon Current Consumer Behaviour


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Sangeeta Sambhi, Keekli Intern

Your Seasons My Seasons, is a classic children’s book written by a profound professor and an in-depth author at heart, Dr. Vidyanidhi Chhabra. The genre of this exquisite children’s book is folklore and folk tales. It is a masterpiece in itself, which entices its audience, which is diverse as it entertains not only children, but also adults of all age groups, to take a moment to introspect upon their current consumer behaviour, as a member of the society.

If we talk about its impact on children, it proves to be educational and ethical by default, as we know that children are like clay which are gestalt at a tender age. While weighing its impact on the adults, it is evident from the precise text used in the book itself, that it ascribes an individual to reminiscent days of innocence, where in planting a tree was worth being rewarded with affection, feeding and making shelters for animals, was a merit to count, and not to be forgotten, advising and teaching family members about co-existing with animal friends, was a credible job.  The book has a sense of uniqueness of starting and ending at a hopeful note for humanity.

The book Your Seasons My Seasons is divided into three readable chapters. The very first one is “A River’s Love Story”. It is a beautiful story, written in simple language. It shows the mutual understanding between the river, Mr. Ficus, Greenie and Mr. Baldy. The satire showcased is an example that teaches humans about their non-satisfactory traits, or rather, we can state that Dr. Vidyanidhi gave a voice to the natural elements of the nature, in order to reach out to the audience, and express its grief of sapping reality. Seeing Mr. Baldy sad, it makes the reader emotional and guilty of not being thoughtful enough to the land that provided shelter, a river that attained fertility and a tree, which provided shade and oxygen.

The book has a touch of innocence and reverberating nostalgia to offer, for whosoever wishes to learn from the text printed. Remembering the days of childhood, we all had a teacher that had the most suitable explanation for a basic ethical concept. Likewise, the author has explained the concept of not caging the animals, snatching away their freedom to think and direct, in the simplest way possible. Yes! You got it right, the second story, named, “The Tiger’s Truth”, is yet another dreamy story that makes the process of ethical learning easier for its readers. It showcases how all the humans have to pay the fate of caging animals, by a single human. The deed of one human being makes the entire human kind culpable of evil doing. The mystery of whether the human is to be questioned, or the clever rabbit, or the poor, yet fierce tiger is what keeps the reader’s eyes into the text.

Poaching is yet another practice that has made few species hobbling to exist. It clouts the reality of tormenting not only the resourceful elements of the nature, but also the being with which we humans co-exist. The third story, “Crocodile Tears”, is a tale of self-expression. It is in the voice of the ones who are brimming with pain and helplessness. The impeccable loss faced by animals in loosing their loved ones is hard to understand. There is a condition of helplessness that arises. Beings with brainwave have weapons and voices-less beings have no other option, but to either run or hang in the arms of ladies as designer bags, as we call it. The concept of the authenticity of crocodile tears, is a concept worth giving a thought. Mr. Crocy, as the story suggests considers it a tongue in the cheek. What made Mr. Crocy say so? It has been left to the reader’s perception.

Overall, the book possesses the essence of both humans and animals being egalitarian. It states that humans do not rinse the cottage cheese in co-existing with the innocent voiceless animals. The book can be taken as a warning for the abrasive pretence humans have towards their own ordeals of meeting their fate, after all the evildoing. The book also ends on a hopeful note of striking the strings of sensitivity, throwing spotlight at all the searing concepts discussed in relation to the labyrinthine concepts of brainwave satisfaction. The concept of sustainable development has also been discussed through the pages of the book. Using resources, is a mandatory need, but using them in a way that firstly, the resources should not be harmed, and secondly, they should be left in plenty amount to serve the future generations. A sense of selflessness, which is merely seen in people today when compared to the olden times, reflects the plight of humans, with depleting resources and increase in the amount of global warming and diseases adapted.

The book was a nice read; however, my personal favourite is the first story, “A River’s Love Story”. It teleports me to those days of childhood, when reading the tales of Panchatantra seemed to be an amusing activity. The level of concern and affection projected by the author also reminds me of the lovely short stories written by Sudha Murthy. The purity in the bonding of Mr Ficus and River, sets a stepping stone for the love and respect friends should have in a relationship. Not only this, the bitter-sweet relationship between the River and Mr. Baldy, also proves to be adorable. The voice of nature goes unheard until a disaster is portrayed by it. Henceforth, while leading life, we should be fervour in serving, honest at intent, sensitively measurable while dealing with nature, and empathetic towards all other beings.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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