February 18, 2025

Shimla News: Buddhism is Expanding Globally and Witnessing Important Resurgence


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National Conference on “Himachal Buddhist Conclave” (Issues, Interactions and Initiatives) is organized on 27th & 28th February 2021 by Indian Himalayan Council for Nalanda Buddhist Traditon (IHCNBT) in Collaboration with Int’l Buddhist Confederation (IBC), Delhi and assisted by Kinnaur-Lahoul-Spiti Boudh Sewa Sangh, Shimla at Conference Hall, Himachal Tourism Complex, Shimla. The Conclave will deliberate on role and function of Indian Himalayan Council of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition (IHCNBT) and the Indian national Sangha body.

The conference will deliberate on Buddhism is expanding globally and witnessing important resurgence in some traditional areas, this is not the case throughout much of the Himalayan region where its vibrant presence is under threat. Some of the aspects of life and cultural sustenance of Himalayan Buddhist communities are -Reforms to traditional models of monastic education, Creating opportunities for re-connect and social engagement between monastic and lay communities, the lack of accountability of the monastics to the society, Developing new models of teaching Buddhism to lay communities and Redefining the role of monastic’s in the 21st century.

The Himalayan region from Tawang, Sikkim, Lahoul-Spitti, Kinauur, Uttrakhand to Ladakh, are the repository of rich cultural heritage of Buddhist traditions that flourished for thousands of years in harsh geographical conditions, vibrant living Buddhist heritage is undergoing a rapid transformation in its polity, culture and socio-economic changes leading to strategic challenges. Buddhism with cross cultural relations which is one of the powerful factors of cultural mobilization and social stability in the Himalayan region will continue to play key role in further consolidation of this strategic area of the country.

The Conference will deliberate and debate to achieve the following objective:

  • To make effort to arrest the cultural erosion of the people in the region with the inevitable advent and ill effects of modern consumerism impacting religion and cultural traditions.
  • Empowering and updating traditional Buddhist structures to understand the causes of erosion and develop an organizational support system focused to work in the direction and check cultural erosion in Himalayan region and external forces involved in it.
  • Facilitate dialogue, debate on the role of Indian Himalayan Buddhist Sangha of Nalanda Tradition as an apex National Sangha Body body to address the challenges Buddhist communities and its socio-cultural and religious structures are facing. The body will work towards strengthening the traditional structures and institutions and reconnect the symbiotic relation between the Sangha and lay people especially the youth. It will also work towards checking the sectarian fissures and establish greater understating and harmony among various schools of Tibetan Buddhism and uniting the Buddhist communities and Sangha for larger good of humanity, peace and harmony.
  • IHCNBT to work to evolve a common curriculum for both non-sectarian and sect wise monastic education and establishment of Council for Monastic Education leading to establishing Monastic Education Board to prepare both common and philosophical school specific curriculum, conduct exams and recognition of certificates and degrees, impart teacher training courses and promote research in monastic education practices, pedagogy and aligning with modern education and sciences etc. This will be in line with the proposed national policy on Islamic Madrasas education and proposed revival of Vedic Gurukul system. 
  • It will also deliberate the challenges the Himalayan region and inhabitant communities are facing vis-à-vis responding to the highest priorities of national security and national integration and how to strengthen the Buddhist cultural and religious institutions, realign and strengthen the relation between the monastic community and the lay people.
  • To look holistically and comprehensively at the external and internal challenges that are eroding cultural and religious identity and to identify solutions and give orientation to the schemes for the development of the people. This will serve to bridge the widening gap between the lay and monastic communities and encourage dialogue and constructive engagement with civil society partners, including governments, aid organizations and the NGO community.
  • To make Special efforts to engage youth leaders, women, Nuns, Monks, artists, filmmakers and journalists in revival and strengthening of these institutions. Special emphasis on cultural and religious identity within the broader context of creating socially and economically sustainable Himalayan communities needs to be addressed.
  • To make contribute to the field of Buddhist knowledge by stressing upon the commonality among different traditions, the roots of which lie in the Nalanda tradition of Buddhism.
  • To promote Himalayan region as strategically significant border area and its communities with its living practices of the Nalanda tradition of Buddhism as a sentinel of the nation and idea of India and Indian narrative.

The two day Conclave will be inaugurated by Dr. Dhammapiya, Secretary General, International Buddhist Confederation in presence of His Eminence Rev. TK Lochen Rinpoche, President, IHCNBT who will join through webinar, Ven. Somang Rinpoche and Ven. Lama Chosphel zotpa, former VC, National Commission for SC & ST. Ven. Rinpoches, Lams, Buddhist Scholars and delegates from different parts of  Himachal Pradesh like Kinnaur, Lhaoul, Spiti and from Paddar Pangi (J & K).

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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