Current Affairs
All Departments Should Be Prepared to Handle Drought-Like Conditions” – Anupam Kashyap
District-Level Meeting on Drought Assessment and Water Shortages Due to Low Rainfall, Held Under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner Shimla, Anupam, emphasized the need for all departments to...
Current Affairs
Government Takes Strong Measures to Eliminate Caste-Based Discrimination in Prisons
As part of ongoing efforts for systemic reform, Himachal Pradesh has taken a significant step toward eliminating caste-based...
Current Affairs
SJVN hosting 24th Inter-CPSU Cricket Tournament
SJVN is organising 24th Inter-CPSU Cricket Tournament under the aegis of Power Sports Control Board (PSCB), Ministry of...
Current Affairs
Manav Sampda Portal: Access Your Departmental Examination Results from HIPA Shimla
A spokesperson of Board of Departmental Examination, HIPA (Shimla) today inform that the result of Departmental Examination conduct...
Current Affairs
State Government Implements PIT-NDPS Act to Combat Drug Trade in Himachal Pradesh
Sukhvinder Singh SukhuHealth & Family Welfare Minister Dr. (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil in a press statement issued from...
Chapslee Girls and Edwardians Excel during the 3rd Inter School Athletic Meet
Keekli Reporter, 4th May, 2015, Shimla
Sanjana; Chapslee; Sakshi, Monal; Arushi, Chapslee; Shikha, Chapslee adjudged as best athletes among girls, while Rahul, St Edwards; Suman,...
St Thomasites give Amazing Performances during Helen Jerwood Inter House Drama Competition – 2015
Keekli Reporter, 8th May, 2015, Shimla
Inter House Drama Competition Standings -- 1st Kasturi; 2nd Toshqui; 3rd Shipkila and 4th Chinar. A few amazing performances...
Doon School, Dehradun Wins Dr. Samuel Slater Inter School Debate held at Bishop Cottons
Ashima Sharma, Keekli Reporter, 9th May, 2015, Shimla
Harshun Mehta from Welham Boys’ School, Dehradun was adjudged as the best debater, while Aniket Mokherjee from...
Spirited Performances during India Open Roller Skating Championship – 2015
Keekli Reporter, 9-10th May, 2015, ShimlaSpeed, dexterity, strength and stamina was put to test during the two day India Open Roller Skating Championship held...
Say No to Drugs — Pratibha Singh
कीक्ली रिपोर्टर, 13 मई, 2015, शिमलानशा एक धीमा जहर है, जो व्यक्ति को मानसिक, शारीरिक, सामाजिक एवं आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर ही नहीं करता...
Roots Country School Wins 47 Medal — 13th National Karate Championship
Rajesh Sharma, Keekli Reporter, 14th May, 2015, Shimlaविभिन्न राज्यों से आए प्रतिभागियों ने लिया भाग -- 13वीं राष्ट्र स्तरीय कराटे प्रतियोगिता में रूटस कंट्री...