Amanatpreet Kaur, Class IX, Army Public School, Beas
Save me! Save me! Is saying earth,
It’s our duty to save her because it gave us birth.
Suffering from covid, global warming and pollution,
Plant trees and find pollution’s solution.
Cutting trees is leading to deforestation,
This is done due to growing population.
One way to save earth is plant at least one tree on your birthday,
This is how we can make everyday an earth Day.
When you see the streets filled with litter,
Clean them instead of posting”Happy earth Day” on twitter.
As you take care of your mom take care of earth,
Without earth the knowledge and humans are of no worth.
“Don’t put any post instead today plant a tree,
save nature and celebrate everyday as earth day,
Do respect the nature and save earth if you agree with me”