Delhi, Feb. – The Department of Social Justice &Empowerment implements the following major Pre and Post Matric Scholarship Schemes:
- Pre Matric Scholarship scheme forSC Students
- Post Matric Scholarship Scheme forSC Students
- Pre Matric Scholarship scheme forOBC Students
- Post Matric Scholarship Schemefor OBC Students
The scheme wise important changes introduced are as follows:-
- Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC students:-The funding pattern under the scheme was revised from the concept of committed liability to a fixed sharing pattern of 60:40 between Centre and the States (90:10 in case of North Eastern States) or Notional Allocation whichever is lower. The Annual Family Income limit was increased from Rs. 2.00 lakh to Rs 2.5 lakh in 2018 and rates of maintenance allowances were also increased.
ii)Post-Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Castes (SC) students:-During the year 2020-21, the Union Cabinet has approved the revision and continuation of the scheme from the year 2020-21 to 2025-26 which includes, inter-alia, revision of funding pattern to a sharing ratio of 60:40 between the Centre and the States (90:10 in case of NE States), focus on poorest households for enrolment under the scheme and development of robust IT framework for implementation of the scheme.
iii) & iv) Pre-Matric Scholarship for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Post Matric Scholarship for OBCs:- The income limit has been changed under Pre Matric Scholarship of OBC and Post Matric Scholarship for OBCs as per details given below:
(i) Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC: increased from Rs.1.00 lakh to Rs. 2.50lakh per annum.
(ii) Post Matric Scholarship for OBC: increased from Rs.1.50 lakh to Rs.2.50lakh per annum.
Entire due funds have been released to all the implementing States/UTs against the demand up to the year 2019- 20, as per the sharing formulae prescribed under the respective schemes.
Under the Post matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students revised recently, it is aimed to provide scholarships to about 4 crorebeneficiaries during the period 2020-21 to 2025-26 by, inter alia, focusing on the poorest households, generating awareness and developing robust IT framework for processing of scholarships. All the States/UTs administering the scheme have beenasked to implement these provisions.