The Shimla Hotel Association and Mall Businessmen Association offer our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families who have lost their near and dear ones and suffered huge losses due to the unprecedented rains which lashed Shimla. As per rainfall data available Shimla got more than twice the normal rainfall during the last five months.
Unfortunately many incidents of cloud bursts were also reported. We all regret the unfortunate incidents of loss of life and property , however we request that the media coverage of this is presented in the right perspective giving facts and not rhetoric. Shimla is a small town growing at a marginal rate as compared to the rest of the country’s urban landscape. Since the last seven years not even a single building has been constructed due to the NGT ban in Shimla Town, and the outskirts have a limited two and half storey permissible height.
A cloud burst in a thick jungle adjoining the Advanced Institute was responsible for the calamity at Shiv Mandir at Summerhill. Not even one man made structure .It was an Act of God.
Krishna Nagar earlier known as Ladhaki Mohalla is a pre independence locality where haphazard and unregulated construction has happened . The houses which collapsed over the Slaughter house were more than 30 years old and were built over coal rubble as is evident at the site.
In Phagli unfortunately Dharas were made in a nallah which caved in due to mudslide. Again without permission and due diligence. Presently looking at the media reports it seems that Shimla and Calamity are synonyms and the disasters are man made and haphazard construction is the prime culprit. Every citizen in Shimla is getting frantic calls from their loved ones to move out of Shimla as it appears from the reports that Shimla now is a disaster zone and is un liveable .
All major roads in Shimla are open, there is regular water and electricity supply, all commercial businesses and institutions are open as usual and there is no impending disaster in spite of unprecedented rains. Yes stray incidents of trees falling and some residential link roads sinking are being reported but does it justify breaking the backbone of our economy which is mostly dependent on national and international tourism. Sensational news has created panic and some national electronic media friends have even portrayed as if the whole town is sinking and residents are now living under ‘Tarpals“ and shelters.
In the whole stretch of National Highway of approx 100 kms from Parwanoo to Shimla only 200 metres stretch was badly damaged which is already now operational and we have many alternative routes to come to Shimla. We are the capital of a very progressive state which stands on top amongst all social indexes and yet if you take an arial view and Look North , South , East and West from the centre of this beautiful town there is a dense green forest . We have maintained our green cover . Truth is that Shimla is greener than it ever was, the forest cover has increased.
Natural calamities and stray incidents of buildings collapsing happen across the country but we don’t write them off, we learn from our mistakes and do a better job , that is the nature of Indians Please report facts , 99.99 percent of the constructed buildings and residents are ‘OK’. There is no calamity in Shimla. Every monsoon some roads sink ,trees fall, we have existed with this for the last 200 years. Our government is proactive, roads are cleared within hours , hand is held out to every effected person We are resilient and we will surely get over this. Shimla is the queen of the hills and will remain so for many many more decades . We will welcome and look after all our tourist guests . Our infrastructure is intact , our hospitality is warm and this Dev Bhoomi is welcoming you with open arms.
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