SJVN, a leading power generation undertaking in India, to organize a story writing competition is collaborating with Keekli Charitable Trust, a non-governmental independent organization working in the field of education and women empowerment, for school students. The competition aims to encourage young writers to showcase their creativity and become published writers through their amazing stories. SJVN & Keekli Charitable Trust Join Hands To Organize A Story Writing Competition
Competition details and submission process
The interested participant in this contest shall submit his/her entry in PD
F format mentioning his/her class, school name, address, phone number, and email id and mail it at [email protected] latest by May 31, 2023. The word limit for the original story will be 1000 to 3000 words. Only one entry per participant will be accepted.
Jury and prizes (SJVN & Keekli Charitable Trust )
The jury of this competition will include eminent and well-known writers like Srinivasa Joshi, Dr. Sangeeta Saraswat, and Shri Atma Ranjan. All the participants will receive a certificate and the winning participants will receive a certificate as well as a copy of the book.
SJVN’s contribution towards CSR
Under CSR, SJVN has done commendable work in the areas of education, health, infrastructural development, community development, child and women development, natural disaster literature, etc., in the rural areas adjacent to the projects. The corporation is discharging its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with utmost responsibility.
SJVN’s vision
As a leading Power Sector CPSE, SJVN has a total project portfolio of 46,879 MW. The company is on a fast track to achieve its shared vision of being a 5000 MW company by 2023-24, 25000 MW by 2030 and 50000 MW company by 2040. This shared vision is aligned with the Government of India’s commitment to produce 50% of energy from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030.
Keekli Charitable Trust’s previous literary events
Keekli Charitable Trust has organized various literary events, workshops, and competitions for children since inception. In the year 2021, the trust organized an all India short story writing event which culminated in the publication of 51 stories. In the year 2022, the trust prepared two collections under its unique vision.
In conclusion, this story writing competition organized by Keekli Charitable Trust in collaboration with SJVN is an excellent opportunity for young writers to showcase their creative talent and become published writers. With the guidance of eminent writers as the jury and the promise of certificates and book copies, it is a competition that students should not miss.