सेंट थॉमस स्कूल के छात्रों को किया कोरोना के प्रति जागरूक
कीकली ब्यूरो, 5 मार्च, 2020
वायरस से बचने को सतर्कता एवं एहतियात बरतने की है जरूरतसेंट थॉमस स्कूल शिमला में कोरोना वायरस के प्रति स्कूल...
Inter House English Debate Competition at Auckland Boys
Keekli Bureau, 5th March, 2020
Ishan Malhotra of Durrant House was adjudged as the overall best speaker
An Inter House English Debates was held at Auckland...
STEAM Lab at Loreto Convent – Integrating Curriculum Rather than Isolating
Ritanjali Hastir, Associate Editor, 11th March, 2020Yet another Golden Chapter has been added to the history of Loreto Convent Tara Hall School Shimla, as...
Anti-Drugs and Mind Management Seminar – Auckland Girls
Keekli Bureau, 3rd March, 2020An educative seminar on ‘Anti-Drugs and Mind Management’ was conducted by Mr. Aditya Ved, for the students of Auckland House...
Creating Corona Virus Awareness at AHSB
Keekli Bureau, 3rd March, 2020Auckland House School for Boys organised a talk which was headed by Dr. Gopal Ashish Sharma, Senior Resident and Dr....
Educational Talk for Students on CoVid – Auckland School
Keekli Bureau, 2nd March, 2020An education and insightful presentation was given on Corona Virus by Dr. Gopal Ashish Sharma, assisted by Dr. Neha, both...