December 12, 2024

Tag: short story


लाड़ला — दीप्ति सारस्वत प्रतिमा

दीप्ति सारस्वत प्रतिमा, प्रवक्ता हिंदी, रा .व. मा. विद्यालय, बसंतपुर, शिमलाउसकी नाक से लगातार खून बह रहा है चोट के दर्द से कम मगर...

The Battle on the Mountains — Ananaya Khanna & Reet Bansal

Ananaya Khanna & Reet Bansal, New DelhiLong, long time ago, there was a man named Aimon. He lived near the mountains. He belonged...

The Heart’s Desire — Abhishek Prince Rohta

Abhishek Prince Rohta, H.P.U., Shimla Love, passion, success, joy and celebration. This is all that our heart encompasses. The heart's desire revolves around the above abstract. I'm...

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