March 26, 2025

Tag: writers


Poem: Teacher’s Delight

Manvika Chauhan, Class: XI, Daisy Dales Senior Secondary School, East of Kailash, New DelhiMy project is a monster it eats everything, Whether it's...

गाय-दान: एक लघुकथा

रणजोध सिंहगुप्ता जी की बयानबे वर्षीय माताश्री मृत्यु शय्या पर थी। पिछले चार-पांच दिन से उन्हें कई बार यह सोचकर जमीन पर लिटाया गया...

A Poet’s Craft: An Exploration of Emotion & Expression: Sitaram Sharma — व्यक्तित्व – बातचीत का कारवां Unlike philosophers or self-help gurus, poets do not set out to provide solutions to life's complex questions. Their role is not to prescribe, but...

दो सहेलियाँ — रणजोध सिंह

रणजोध सिंह बहुत कम लोग होते हैं जो अपने बचपन के दोस्तों के साथ ताउम्र रिश्ता बनाये रखते हैं, खासतौर पर लडकियाँ | लेकिन पाखी...

Persistence, Feelings & Expression Are Necessary to Become a Writer years of experience as an accountant and an auditor with the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation, Ranjodh Singh finally found his calling when...

31 Jobs Before I Decided to Settle As A Tour Guide: Sumit Raj — व्यक्तित्व – बातचीत का कारवां writer has a unique beginning and despite being pushed into the medical stream by his father, Sumit Raj, now a well-known name in...

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