Deebanshi Batra; Swarnprastha Public School, Haryana

Mam you are a lovely teacher,
You made me a sensible creature.
I am going to miss you a lot,
I will never forget what you taught.

You made me a bright child,
The temperature today is very mild.
I know that the children you taught will be at high post one day,
In maths we learn the topic of Ray.

You helped me in sorrow and strife,
You made my future wonderful in my life.
Thank for guiding me always,
Sure we will come on top in these coming days.

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  1. Its really great to see keekli attaining great heights day by day and spreading its wings all around with excellent coverage.Wishing you more and more success in future.Stay Blessed Always.
    Best Wishes for all your future endeavours ???.


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