KeekliĀ Events

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Governor stresses need for maintaining balance between development and conservation of ecosystem

Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla has appealed to all sections of the society to be a part of plantation...

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Himachal Samachar 30 06 2024 Daily News Bulletin

Nanak Chand Roshini Sood Charitable Trust & Keekli Charitable Trust Help in Treatment of Cancer Patients

Nanak Chand Roshini Sood Charitable Trust and Keekli Charitable Trust presented an amount of Rs. 5,000/- each to two minor cancer patients Master Arpit,...

Advisory on Post-Vaccination Embolic & Thrombotic Events Particularly with Covishield

A spokesperson of Health department said thatĀ an advisory regarding the post-vaccination embolic and thrombotic events particularly with Astrazeneca Oxford vaccine, Covishield in India, has...

Women Step Up To Donate Blood — Keekli Charitable Trust

A total of 25 units of blood was collected, of which 12 were females and 13 were males; a noble gesture made by donors...

KEEKLI Charitable Trust — Donate Blood Save Lives

Keekli organizes Blood Donation Camp on 10th April, 2021, The Ridge, Shimla A call for social duty, even during these trying times, an effort should...

Need for Providing A Comprehensive & Objective Account of Historical Events

Delhi, Aug 12, 2020 (PIB) Sacrifices of freedom fighters from across the country must be highlighted in text-books: VP Releases a book on Netaji Subhas Chandra...

Special Kids Participate in Sporting Events ā€“ Day Two of FODA

Keekli Bureau, 21st September, 2019, Shimla The differently abled participants took part in various sporting events on day two of the FODA festivities, held at...