Manvika Chauhan, Class: XI, Daisy Dales Senior Secondary School, East of Kailash, New Delhi

My project is a monster it eats everything,
Whether it’s a ring or a mighty king.
It’s swallows everything without a blink, cause he never went to school to learn a single thing.
He looked grumpy so I made him smart,
Now he looks a fine piece of art.
On his black body I wrote maths,
but it got washed off when he got a bath.
So I grabbed a bottle of glue and glued his mouth with a paper,
Now he looks quite dapper.
On his teeth I stuck some stones,
With some stars on his eyes I made him glow.
Now it was the time to write the title,
So my project monster looks more brighter.
A sudden thought struck my mind,
Why not keep the title a teacher’s delight and the reason of a student’s cry.