संतुलन — रणजोध सिंह
रणजोध सिंह
शिमला जैसे सर्द शहर में, सर्दी की परवाह किये बगैर विनय अपने कमरे में बठकर कंप्यूटर के साथ माथा-पच्ची कर रहा था जबकि...
“व्यक्तित्व – बातचीत का कारवां” – Aahr Singh In Conversation with SN Joshi
Live like you will die tomorrow and read like you have thousands of years to live – as Mr Sriniwas Joshi shared with our...
Beautiful Life Only On Donating — Blood… as Righty Shares Anika Sharma
Every blood drop saves a life -- 25 Units of Blood Collected during the Blood Donation Camp organized by Keekli Charitable Trust
1st Donor was...
रोमिता शर्मा
मासूम व अबोध बालक टिक्कू बचपन से ही घर के ठीक सामने सीना ताने पहाड़ को देखता आया था । सुबह-सुबह जब नीदं...
A, B, C of Slogan Writing — Workshop by Vivek Mohan
https://youtu.be/HkVrTR0V85sA -- Accuracy; B -- Brevity; C -- Clarity... three main criteria for becoming a good writer as President's National Film Award winning documentary...
Keekli’s Vision 2023
As we concluded yet another Literary events for children, we are highly pleased to share that more than 250 plus children benefitted in one...