February 16, 2025

This Day in History


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Shimla, Dec. 8 Keekli Bureau

This Day in History


American astronaut and politician John Glenn—who was the first U.S. astronaut to orbit Earth, for which he was regarded as a national hero—died at age 95.


The American aerospace venture SpaceX became the first commercial company to release a spacecraft—the Dragon capsule—into orbit and successfully return it to Earth.


Mia Hamm, a leading figure in U.S. women’s football (soccer), retired from the sport.


Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus signed an agreement to form the Commonwealth of Independent States in the wake of the demise of the Soviet Union.


The intifāḍah, an uprising of Palestinians in the territories occupied by Israel, began this week.


U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev signed a nuclear weapons reduction treaty.


The American classic film The Deer Hunter—starring Robert De Niro and Christoper Walken, among others—had its world premiere; an emotionally shattering look at the effects of the Vietnam War on the young American men sent to fight in it, the movie later won an Oscar for best picture.


English thinker and scholar Herbert Spencer, best known for his work The Synthetic Philosophy, died in Brighton, Sussex, England.


Mexican painter Diego Rivera, whose bold large-scale murals stimulated a revival of fresco painting in Latin America, was born.


Pope Pius IX proclaimed the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, asserting that Mary, Jesus’ mother, was preserved free from the effects of “original sin” from the first instant of her conception.


Mary, Queen of Scots, was born, and six days later she became queen of Scotland.

Daily News Bulletin

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