March 4, 2025

51 Scintillating Tales — Short Stories by Children… A Children’s Day Gift to Our Young Writers


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Proposed Cover Designs by Our Young Artists… Keep watching this space as less than a month left for Final Book Release.


After months of hard work, a very important first for us and a dream come true for our young 51 budding authors, we are pleased to inform that we have inched closer to Publishing our First Book. The Title is 51 Scintillating Tales – Short Stories by Children.

We have engaged the services of Notion Press, a self publishing platform, to Print the book. Hopefully by the end of October we should have the printed copies.

As our events have always be children-centric what better way to celebrate it on Children’s Day, 14th Nov. We hope that you all will be equally excited and eagerly looking forward to this day, to hold your own copies.

More updates soon.

Our Young 51 Winner – Click to View the List

Art of Story Writing

Zoom Session One — Ms Minakshi Chaudhary

Zoom Session Two — Dr Purnima Chauhan

Zoom Session Three — Ms Neelam Bhatt 

Zoom Session Four — Ms Priyanka Joshi



Finally, with the end of yesterday’s session, we come to the end of Phase Two of the Competition. Your journey is yet not over. The Third Phase begins NOW!

As young writers you will now learn, what goes into makings of a Book. There is a Writer and an Editor camaraderie. And now we step in.

During this last month, you all learnt quite a few things about writing, creating cliff hanger stories, building a plot, creating real-life characters. Now you go back to your own stories with our feedback/reviews. We help you to further improve upon your stories and make them publish worthy. The target is that when a person picks up a book, they are intrigued to continue reading till the end. Each story will have its own persona. These 51 stories will define you as young writers. They will encourage and inspire you to continue on this journey and write to your heart’s content.

First, the surprise as shared yesterday was, if you are good Artists, you may now supplement your stories with ORIGINAL ARTWORK. It has to be a line sketch or a drawing (only Black & White). One Drawing Per Story. Neatly Scan them or click photos in natural light. Re-name these as your own Name & Story Title and then Email them to us.

Second, share your most recent PassPort size photo, these can be in any natural surrounding. Again Black & White.

Third, you all need to best describe yourselves in no less then 50 words. This information will go with your stories.

(Drawing/Sketches; Photo; Description — send these by 15th August)

Fourth, since you all are part of this amazing Journey, you get to choose a Title of this Anthology of Short Stories, as following Keekli’s motto… we truly believe in “By the Children; For the Children”. The best shared Title will be selected, otherwise we will come up with something.

Lastly, we need to make a schedule to contact you individually to work one-on-one with you on your stories. If you have upcoming exams share the dates, accordingly we will reach out. We need about a week to max 10 days to work with you. It will be a quick turnaround. Details will be explained when we call you. Call will be made between 4 pm and 5 pm, from 26th July onwards.

Feel free to ask questions if you have.

Good Luck!


The Second Phase of our Competition Begins — 

Aren’t we all excited about having made it to the list of finalists. Heartiest congratulations to each one of you! Well, if we may put it thus, the actual work begins NOW. While we were surely bowled over by your stories, we believe there’s always room for improvement. Learning mustn’t stop at any level, isn’t it?

As promised, we are coming up with ZOOM Sessions for all the winners in which our judges and mentors will be talking to you about the process of creative writing and sharing some wonderful pearls of wisdom. The illustrious line up for four sessions is as follows:

1. 4 July (11 AM to 12 Noon) – In conversation with Ms Minakshi Chaudhary, author of over dozen books and famous journalist, known for the popular ‘Ghost Stories from Shimla Hills’.

2. 11 July (5 PM to 6 PM) – In conversation with Dr Purnima Chauhan (IAS) Retd. Former Director HP Institute of Public Administration and head of many prominent Departments including Youth amd Cultural Affairs.

3. 17 July (5 PM to 6 PM) – In conversation with Ms Neelam Bhatt, writer, poetess, editor, translator and recipient of Navodit Lekhak Puraskar Pratiyogita.

4. 18 July (4 PM to 5 PM) – In conversation with Ms Priyanka Joshi, mental health blogger, published author, poetess, a SHEROES champion, Amazon approved Influencer and founder of Sanity Daily.

All children are requested to keep the following in mind while attending the sessions:

1. Join using the Zoom link which will be shared with you a day prior to the meeting.

2. The Zoom link will open ten minutes before the scheduled time and remain open not later than ten minutes into the meeting. You are requested to be on time.

3. A thirty to forty minute talk will be followed by Q/A session. You may keep your questions ready for the mentors and clear all doubts. We expect you to maintain online decorum, keep your mics off and only unmute yourself once you’ve been asked to speak. Kindly turn on your cameras while asking questions to the mentors.

4. The sessions will help you to rewrite / rework on your story. A detailed feedback will be given to each child before resubmission in the first week of August.

5. We are providing an opportunity to you all to learn from experienced and established writers. We hope you will use this platform to hone your writing skills.

We also hope you will enjoy and benefit from these zoom sessions.


Participation Certificates

Stories have the power to transport us to a new world or a different time. The concept behind this National Level Online Story Writing Competition during Covid pandemic was to provide our young writer’s a stepping stone to be published writers as well as promote creativity, while giving them an open forum to showcase their talent.

We are pleased to share the Participation Certificates. ​You are requested to download the PDF Files by clicking the link. Search for your name and accordingly you may save or print​​ ​the Certificates ​at home. The link shared will download the PDF file, since these files are heavy we cannot send them through emails, hence the process. In case any names have been skipped, kindly contact us.

We wish you all the very best and hope you keep following us for the latest news and future events.



Our Panel of Judges

Mrs Pramila Nanda; Neelam Bhatt; Priyanka Joshi; Prachi Gunthey aka (PraGun)


Keekli’s Story Writing Competition Results To Be Annouced on 30th June

Click above link to read details & Judging Criteria


Toni Morrison said, “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

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KEEKLI’s Story Writing Competition is stepping stone to help our young writers studying in Schools / Colleges / Universities get published. In association with critically acclaimed writers Sh Sudarshan Vashishtha and Ms Minakshi Chaudhary; Dr Purnima Chauhan, (IAS); noted writers Ms Priyanka Joshi and Ms Prachi, we intend to publish an Anthology of the Best Selected Short Stories.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
Dear Reader, we are dedicated to delivering unbiased, in-depth journalism that seeks the truth and amplifies voices often left unheard. To continue our mission, we need your support. Every contribution, no matter the amount, helps sustain our research, reporting and the impact we strive to make. Join us in safeguarding the integrity and transparency of independent journalism. Your support fosters a free press, diverse viewpoints and an informed democracy. Thank you for supporting independent journalism.


  1. Keekli truly lives up to its name in forging meaningful bonds for a joyful revolution in the lives of those who need it the most… god bless

  2. Thank you so much team Keekli for conducting so wonderful sessions. We learned so much from the mentors..
    Thank you Keekli!!!

  3. Thank you team keekli for organising such a wonderful mentoring sessions and for enriching our knowledge in all the aspects of writing and publishing. 🙏

  4. Thankyou Team Keekli. Thankyou Mentors. It was a blessed journey of writing and then editing our own stories. We felt as if our small habit of listening and telling bed time Stories has opened a door for us that will cultivate a good writer in us and will always encourage us to read more and writing more. 💝

  5. Keekli provided me an excellent opportunity to publish a story written by me. I am an avid reader and wanted to develop my story writing skills. Keekli organized four zoom sessions with well known writers. I learned a lot from these sessions. Keekli also helped me to edit and improve my story by giving individual feedback on it. These things are not taught in school or other forums.

  6. Thanks to the Keekli team for giving me such a platform and organising sessions to build skills for writing that will help me in future too. Now, I am eagerly waiting to see my name in a book. This is like a dream come true for me.


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