March 12, 2025

Tag: Himachali Writers


हां या ना — दीप्ति सारस्वत प्रतिमा

दीप्ति सारस्वत प्रतिमाजब जब कोई किसी भी बात के लिए दिल से कहता है 'हां' गर्दन हिला भरता हामी तब तब चेहरे पर उसके हामी के साथ साथ फैल...

Confidence Building Exercises & Emphasis on Dialogues — Theatre Workshop in Lakshay Convent School on the importance of dialogue delivery and building confidence, noted filmmaker Vivek Mohan took a theatre workshop in Lakshay Convent School, Manjyat, Arki....

“फ्लाइंग किस” किस के लिए? जो पकड़ ले उसके लिए

मनमोहन सिंहकुछ दिन पहले हमारे ज्ञान में इज़ाफ़ा हुआ। हमें पता चला की नारी की अस्मत पर सबसे खतरनाक हमला "फ्लाइंग किस" नामक जदीद...

Noted Actor Kumud Mishra To Inspire Young Artists- Children’s Theatre Festival 2023

Vandana Bhagra, ShimlaThe Children's Theatre Festival is set to showcase an exciting Inter School Hindi Drama Competition in 2023. The event will feature One...

Himalayan Tales Unleashed: A Spellbinding Theatre Festival

Vandana Bhagra, Shimla WINNERS Himachal's Unique Children's Theatre Festival: Showcasing Local Talent and Literary Heritage Noted Actor Kumud Mishra To Inspire Young Artists Children’s Theatre Festival Shimla Focus on...

Forty Over Forty – Short Story Competition for Himachal’s Writers

Keekli Book Club powered by the Language Art and Culture Department, HP is happy to announce the next writing extravaganza for citizens of the...

Daily News Bulletin