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Tag: Saraswati Vidya Mandir

Himachal's Dynamic state level sports

Himachal’s Dynamic State Level Sports Gala : Elevating Education And Values

The two-day state-level sports event organized by the Himachal Education Committee commenced at Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Him Rashmi Campus, Vikasnagar, Shimla. Former Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur inaugurated the event. In...

Governor Interacts with Students of Saraswati Vidya Mandir at Shimla

While interacting with the students of Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Vikas Nagar in Shimla town, Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar advised the students to read books related to the great freedom fighters of...
Dayanand Public School

सी.बी.एस.ई. बोर्ड 10वीं कक्षा का वार्षिक परिणाम सराहनीय

कीक्ली रिपोर्टर, 29 मई, 2018, शिमला सरस्वती विद्या मंदिर के मेधावी छाए सरस्वती विद्या मन्दिर, वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक आवासीय विद्यालय हिम रश्मि परिसर, विकासनगर का सी.बी.एस.ई. बोर्ड 10वीं कक्षा का वार्षिक परिणाम सराहनीय रहा।...