Magic28317 (3)

Ritanjali Hastir, Associate Editor, 28th March, 2017, Shimla

Magic28317 (5)Students of Auckland House School for Girls, Shimla got an opportunity to experience the artistry of H.G. Ley during a special magic show organized in the school premises. Students from class nursery to eight participated in this show. Ley has been touring schools in the City since a very long time and ensures that he has something new to teach to students.

Magic28317 (7)He said that his shows are message oriented. They are not rust like any other magic show. They have a purpose as I am an educationist. A consultant for education not a street magician I am also a trained chemical engineer who Just happened to learn magic from The Indian School of Magic in Kolkata. I don’t perform to just entertain people but I want them to think and understand I lay a lot of importance on science and mathematics while performing magic tricks, which is what I think magic is made of.

Magic28317 (8)Children enjoyed the show as they watched various tricks being performed right from taking out of poles from small purse, flowers from magic wand and water to name. The show ended on a very happy note as children were excited and full of amusement.

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