Shimla, Nov.12 Keekli Bureau

American comic book writer Stan Lee—who helped create such iconic characters and teams as the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the X-Men for Marvel Comics—died at age 95.
As Italy struggled amid the euro-zone debt crisis, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi submitted his letter of resignation; four days later he was succeeded by Mario Monti.
Sprinter Wilma Rudolph, who overcame crippling childhood illnesses to become the first American woman to win three track-and-field gold medals in a single Olympics, died in Tennessee.
The U.S. space probe Voyager 1 reached the planet Saturn.
Arches National Park—a desert area of sandstone formations in eastern Utah—was established; the region had been designated a national monument in 1929.
The Bhola cyclone struck East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), killing hundreds of thousands of people in the densely populated Ganges-Brahmaputra delta; it was perhaps the deadliest tropical cyclone in recorded history and one of the greatest natural disasters.
The immigration reception centre at Ellis Island, New York, which processed more than 12 million immigrants, was closed.
Abbey Road Studios opened in London and was later made famous by the Beatles, who recorded most of their albums there.
The first Round Table Conference, called by the British government to consider the future constitution of India, opened in London.
One day after Emperor Charles’s abdication, the National Assembly of Austria resolved unanimously that “German Austria is a democratic republic” and “German Austria is a component part of the German republic.”
Spanish Prime Minister José Canalejas was assassinated by the anarchist Manuel Pardiñas.
The first flying trapeze act was performed, by Jules Léotard, without a net, in Paris; a one-piece garment that he popularized was named after him.
The great Leonid meteor shower, in which hundreds of thousands of meteors were observed in one night, was seen all over North America, initiating the first serious study of meteor showers.
American activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who was a leader in the women’s rights movement and in 1848 formulated the first organized demand for women’s suffrage in the United States, was born.