February 16, 2025

This Day in History


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Shimla, Sept. 17 Keekli Bureau

This Day in History


The first Occupy Wall Street protest was held in the United States, as some 1,000 demonstrators marched in Manhattan before occupying Zuccotti Park; the movement, which eventually went global, sought to highlight corporate greed and income inequality, among other issues.


North Korea and South Korea were admitted to the United Nations.


The American TV series M*A*S*H, based on the Robert Altman film (1970), debuted on CBS, and the show was hugely popular with both critics and viewers.


Folke, Greve (count) Bernadotte, was assassinated by Jewish extremists while serving the United Nations as mediator between the Arabs and the Israelis.


During World War II the Soviet army invaded Poland from the east—joining Germany, which had launched its attack several weeks earlier—and the Polish government fled to Romania.


Mexican artist Frida Kahlo was severely injured in a bus accident, and during her recovery she began painting and soon abandoned her plans for a career in medicine.


British adventurer Sir Francis Chichester, who sailed around the world alone in 1966–67 in the 55-foot (17-metre) yacht Gipsy Moth IV, was born.


Union forces halted the Confederate advance on Maryland during the Battle of Antietam; the battle resulted in more than 26,000 casualties—one of the bloodiest days of the American Civil War.


The forces of Buenos Aires province, commanded by Governor Bartolomé Mitre, defeated those of the Argentine Confederation, led by Justo José de Urquiza, at the Battle of Pavón.


The U.S. Constitution was signed by 39 delegates of the Constitutional Convention.


The Swedish-Saxon army under King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden destroyed the army of the Roman Catholic Habsburg emperor Ferdinand II and the Catholic League, under Johann Tserclaes, Graf (count) von Tilly, in the Battle of Breitenfeld.


Pope Paul III suspended the Council of Trent after Charles V forbade the Spanish and German prelates to go to Bologna.


The Polish nobility and their king, Louis I, signed the Pact of Koszyce.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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