Shimla, Sept. 18 Keekli Bureau

Scottish voters rejected a referendum that would have made Scotland an independent country.
For the second straight day, Typhoon Nari pounded Taiwan with record rainfalls, causing massive flooding and killing 79 people.
American rock guitarist and singer Jimi Hendrix—who fused American traditions of blues, jazz, rock, and soul with techniques of British avant-garde rock to redefine the electric guitar in his own image—died of an overdose of barbiturates in London.
Japanese astronomers Ikeya Kaoru and Seki Tsutomu discovered Comet Ikeya-Seki.
UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld died in a plane crash that generated much speculation; a 2017 investigation found that “it appears plausible that an external attack or threat may have been a cause of the crash.”
A local communist commander seized power in Madiun, Indonesia, as part of a rebellion effort against the Sukarno government in an incident known as the Madiun Affair.
Canadian ice hockey coach Scotty Bowman, who won a record nine Stanley Cups as a head coach in the National Hockey League, was born.
Actress Greta Garbo—who was best known for her portrayals of strong-willed heroines, most of them as compellingly enigmatic as herself—was born in Stockholm.
British forces under Sir Horatio Herbert Kitchener confronted French forces commanded by Jean-Baptiste Marchand at the disputed fort of Fashoda in the Egyptian Sudan.
Booker T. Washington declared the Atlanta Compromise—a classic statement on race relations—in a speech at the Atlanta (Georgia) Exposition.
Bulgarian nationalists in Eastern Rumelia mounted a coup and declared the province’s unification with Bulgaria, leading to the Serbo-Bulgarian War.
French physicist Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault, who introduced and helped develop a technique of measuring with extreme accuracy the absolute velocity of light and provided experimental proof that Earth rotates on its axis, was born.