In the year 2022-2023, Himachal Pradesh actively participated in two Knowledge Sharing Workshops – one in person in Arunachal Pradesh and other conducted virtually with Punjab. Building on the success of these initiatives and in alignment with the Project Approval Board Guidelines of the Government of India, Himachal Pradesh is hosting the Knowledge Sharing Workshops with Arunachal Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab and Rajasthan under the Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States (STARS) Project.

The workshop is scheduled from 19th to 24th June 2023 and the delegates will have the opportunity to visit four districts in Himachal Pradesh, namely, Mandi, Bilaspur, Manali, and Kullu. On June 19th 2023 the Guest of Honour, the Hon’ble Education Minister, Sh. Rohit Thakur inaugurated the Knowledge Sharing Workshop organized by the Samagra Shiksha Office in Himachal Pradesh and shared his words of guidance. The Hon’ble Education Minister, Rohit Thakur addressed the gathering and extended a warm welcome to the delegates from Arunachal Pradesh, Punjab, Kerala and Rajasthan. He praised the distinct cultures of the visiting states and applauded Samagra Shiksha for hosting the workshop as it would play an important role in updating and improving the education system.
He added that many efforts are being made by Himachal Pradesh towards reducing gaps in the education system by utilising resources efficiently, developing policies and implementing them. He wished the workshop all success and looked forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas. The State Project Director, Rajesh Sharma thanked the visiting delegates from the four states for joining the Knowledge Sharing Workshop hosted by Himachal Pradesh and looked forward to a rewarding interchange of ideas to enhance the teaching learning process and help the children gain valuable knowledge and skills to prepare them for the future. The education minister launched the Secondary level modules in Math, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi and Sanskrit.
The STARS Project developed these modules to enhance the quality of education based on the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) of teachers, with a focus on creating need-based modules and are designed using insights from the National Achievement Survey (NAS), which covers three dimensions of teaching-learning – knowledge or information, practices, and abilities and the NEP2020 vision. By incorporating these modules into the curriculum, it aims to promote child-centered pedagogies and improve learning outcomes The workshop will facilitate cross-learning between education delegates from Punjab, Arunachal Pradesh, Kerala, and Rajasthan under the World Bank funded STARS Project and branding STARS in other states.
The forthcoming Knowledge Sharing Workshop is an excellent opportunity for the delegates to exchange ideas, share best practices and experiences. By fostering collaboration, this platform will help enhance the collective efforts to improve the education sector across the country. Himachal Pradesh, through the Knowledge Sharing Workshops, brings together experts and practitioners from different parts of the country to enrich and develop cross-state learning through interactive sessions, group discussions and networking opportunities. The participants will have the chance to gain insights and strategies that can be applied in their respective states and enable retentive and sustainable learning besides inculcating 21st Century skills and give children an advantage in their higher academic choices and careers.
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