Anticipating World Suicide Prevention Day, the Department of Psychiatry at MMMC&H, Kumarhatti – Solan came together to commemorate the day under the theme “Creating Hope Through Action” on September 9, 2023. In a heartwarming show of unity, faculty members, guest speakers, delegates, PG students, MBBS Batch 2023, and B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students joined hands to raise awareness about this critical issue.

World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 : MMMC&H Suicide Prevention Initiative

The event kicked off with a colorful rangoli created by MMBS students, setting a vibrant tone for the day. Distinguished dignitaries, including Dr. Ravi Chand Sharma (Principal & Professor of Psychiatry), Dr. J.S. Sandhu (Vice Principal and Professor, Department of Physiology), Dr. Kamaljeet Jaswal (Prof. & HOD Surgery-cum-Dean Studies), Dr. Neelam Grover (Prof. & HOD Paediatrics -cum-Dean PG Studies), and Dr. Jasbir Kaur (Principal Nursing College MMU Solan), graced the occasion with their presence.

Key Highlights:

  • The event commenced with Saraswati Vandana and a ceremonial lamp lighting. Dr. Ramanpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, MMMC&H, delivered an introductory lecture, emphasizing the theme of “Creating hope through action” and suicide prevention.
  • Dr. Ramandeep Kaur discussed the myths and facts surrounding suicide, followed by a powerful skit performed by MBBS students, highlighting the theme “CREATING HOPE THROUGH ACTION.” Mrs. Harpreet Kaur, Vice Principal of Nursing College, MMU, Solan, shed light on the crucial role of nursing staff in recognizing warning signs and implementing strategies to prevent suicide.
  • Dr. Ravi Chand Sharma, the seasoned Principal & Professor at MMMC&H, shared invaluable insights into the significance of the day and the role of healthcare professionals, including gatekeepers, in preventing suicide both at the individual and community levels.
  • The event culminated with a pledge-taking ceremony involving all medical and nursing students. This specially crafted pledge, administered by Dr. Nikhil (Resident Psychiatry) and Ayush Rana (MBBS student), encapsulated their commitment to the cause.
  • Dr. Ravleen Kaur Jaggi (Resident Psychiatry) extended a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants for their dedication and commitment.

As the world gears up to observe World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, 2023, the initiative taken by MMMC&H underscores the importance of collective action in creating hope and preventing suicide. The event served as a poignant reminder that together, through awareness and action, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.

For more information, visit MMMC&H.

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