A goodbye gala was organized at Shimla Nursing College, Shurala on 15th November 2022 for the outgoing batch of B.Sc Nursing 4th year and Post B.Sc. 2nd year.(66) The farewell party was hosted by B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year and Post B.Sc. 1st year. The theme for the day was “BON VOYAGE” which means “to express good wishes to someone about to set off on a journey” The programme started with the traditional “Lamp Lighting Ceremony” which was followed by the first round of modeling by the B.Sc Nursing 4th year and Post B.Sc. 2nd year students.
Principal “Dr. Krishna Chauhan” encouraged the students with her incredible speech for attaining excellence in their life. Various performances were performed by the students including bollywood dance, Fusion dance, Bhangra and the Himachali Natti by Ms Diksha (post basic,)Ms lipaksi,Ms Dimple& Ms Diksha all B sc nursing students. The climax of the event was the crowning of Miss farewell 2022 which was done by Principal “Dr. Krishna Chauhan”, vice principal “Dr. Pallavi Pathania” and Associate Professor “Ms. Ritika Soni ”
The results are given below in terms of Miss Farewell –
B.Sc.(N) 2022 – Ms. Apurva Zinta
1st Runner up – Ms. Avantika Sharma
2nd Runner Up – Ms. Arushi
Miss Farewell Post B.sc.(N) 2022 – Ms. Tenzin Lamo
Miss Personality – Ms. Kanika Sharma
Miss Attire – Ms. Neelam Kumari
Finally the programme was ended with thank you speech delivered by the outgoing students.