In order to streamline the processes of grant of various consents, authorizations and registrations that are granted by the State Board to various applicant units, the State Board has carried out an extensive six-month long exercise to review its processes. This effort has been carried out with an objective to come out with standard operating procedures and documentary requirements for various NOCs in sync with the already established digital platforms i.e. OCMMS to process various applications. The State Board has today notified Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and documentary requirements for all applications essential to be followed by all stakeholders and officers. During this exercise, un-necessary documents have been trimmed from the required list such that the State Board is able to ensure compliance to regulations as well as Ease of Doing Business.
The SOPs pertain to various kinds of consents for industries, tourism units and health-care facilities under the Water and Air Acts. SOPs have also been notified for authorization under Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules 2016, Hazardous & other Waste Management Rules-2016 and E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 framed under The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. These SOPs will enhance regulations as well as transparency for all concerned. In order to streamline the process and enhance transparency, the Board has, in recent months, started an online laboratory module for sample analysis, online Consent and Bio medical waste authorisation for healthcare facilities, online Dashboard for in-depth monitoring progress of applications and auto renewal of consent for Green industries. Efforts shall continue to streamline systems for better monitoring, regulation, transparency and Ease of Doing Business.