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Sonia Dogra, Keekli Reporter, June, 2017, Shimla Born in a family of musicians, fifteen year old Bhuvan Bhatia has found his calling. Little did he know, when he moved his hands on the “dholak” at the age of five that he would soon spin magic on the “tabla”, one of the most difficult musical instruments. Bhuvan is a student of...
Keekli Reporter, 30th June, 2017, Shimla The first District level Sepak Takraw Championship concluded at the Gumma stadium in Kotkhai as Somesh Mehta, Principal Gumma School was the Chief Guest for the occasion. In the Boys final Sahil, Aniket and Shivkumar of team Gumma defeated Aryan, Dileep and Bhagat in the Rengu Event. In the final match of the Rengu event...
कीक्ली रिपोर्टर, 30 जून, 2017, शिमला जिला प्रशासन शिमला द्वारा कार्यान्वित किए जा रहे महत्वकांक्षी कार्यक्रम ‘पहल’ के सकारात्मक परिणाम सामने आए हैं। इस कार्यक्रम के तहत शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में गुणात्मक शिक्षा को बढ़ावा देने के लिए लागू किए जा रहे ‘प्रेरणा’ कार्यक्रम की सफलता की कहानियों को कलमबद्ध कर प्रकाशित किया गया है। उपायुक्त शिमला रोहन चंद ठाकुर ने...
Keekli Reporter, 28th June, 2017, Shimla The Snowport Enterprise, a startup founded by a Shimla-based young entrepreneur, Anuj Sharma (23), has launched its official online marketplace “Tequeela” (www.tequeela.com) where it’s offering first collection of designer smartphone accessories for sale. Director of Department of Industries, HP, IAS Rajesh Sharma, launched the online portal and said, "Two items that went with Indian...
कीक्ली रिपोर्टर, 28 जून, 2017, शिमला शैमरॉक डैज़लर्ज़ प्ले स्कूल, नज़दीक संकट मोचन मंदिर, शिमला, में ईद  का आयोजन बड़े धूम धाम से किया गया | जिसमें बच्चों व स्टाफ  ने बढ़ चढ़ कर भाग लिया I इस अवसर पर प्ले स्कूल की प्रधानाचार्य शैलजा अमरेईक ने सभी बच्चों व प्रदेशवासियों को ईद की दी हार्दिक बधाई और शुभकामनाए देते...
Keekli Reporter, 28th June, Kotkhai Gumma stadium in Kotkhai became the venue for the inaugural ceremony of the first Inter District Sepak Takraw games. Sepak Takraw is popular as kick volley ball. The games were inaugurated by the Head of Gram Panchayat Gumma, Mohd Riyaz. Other dignitaries who graced the occasion included P N Azad, President State Sepak Takraw, Pushpa Raj,...
Keekli Reporter, 27th June, 2017, Jaipur Students & Teachers of St Thomas Senior Secondary School, Jaipur, gave a warm and memorable farewell to their beloved School Chairman Reverend Father T.J. Jonson who completed his tenure of three years. Present on the occasion were Principal Sonal Sharma, Vice Principal Punamma Mathay, Head Mistress DCM Nivedita Doegar, Treasurer Y Vergese, Secretary Shaji...
कीक्ली रिपोर्टर, 26 जून, 2017, शिमला अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मादक द्रव्य निषेध दिवस के अवसर पर आज बचत भवन में स्कूली छात्रों को जागरूक करने के लिए कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता जिला कल्याण अधिकारी राकेश कुमार ने की । राकेश कुमार ने इस अवसर पर उपस्थित छात्रों को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहा कि युवा प्रत्येक देश का भविष्य है,...
Keekli Reporter, 24th June, 2017, Shimla Around eighty students of Euro Kids welcomed their fathers to celebrate and rejoice on the occasion of Father’s Day. Principal, Ravine Singh welcomed all fathers on behalf of the school and students. Children put up a heartwarming performance that enticed one and all. Fathers, needless to say, were an emotional lot. Kusha Vashisht, Uplaksh and...
ककली रिपोर्टर, 24 जून, 2017, शिमला विद्यार्थी जीवन में अध्ययन व खेल की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है। कई घंटों की पढाई के बाद विद्यार्थीं खेल मैदान में नवचेतना व स्फूर्ति प्राप्त करते हैं। पढाई के साथ खेलों का भी विद्यार्थी जीवन में विशेष महत्व है। यह बात आज मुख्य संसदीय सचिव रोहित ठाकुर ने जुब्बल के राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठशाला राथल...
Ritanjali Hastir, Associate Editor, 23rd June, 2017, Shimla Students of Auckland House School for Boys from Classes Nursery to Second presented a great fancy dress show during the fancy dress competition held here today in the school. Theme for various classes included cartoon characters, national heroes, fairy tales characters, seasons, media and machines to name. Students placed their best foot forward as...
Keekli Reporter, 21st June, 2017, Shimla Healthy living is important and when imbibed at a young age children adopt a way of life which is beneficial for years to come. Yoga is an integral and important part of Indian culture and is now recognized all over the world with the first International Yoga Day celebrated on June 21. It is...